Resident spends day in the life of repairs contractor

A Westminster resident group has been getting first-hand experience of repairs across CityWest Homes’ properties.
Members of the West Resident Area Panel (WRAP), a resident group facilitated by CityWest Homes, have been getting an insight into the full repairs process after choosing to focus on the repairs service as their project for this quarter.
In particular, the resident panel wanted to take a closer look into the diagnosis and allocation of repairs and any improvements to prevent repairs being delayed or rescheduled.
Michael, a member of the West Area Resident’s Panel (WRAP) spent a day shadowing the repairs process to get a better understanding, from sitting with call operators to going out with repairs operatives to carry out work in resident’s homes.
Michael said, “If a repair is misdiagnosed, it delays the repair being conducted for the resident, and is also more expensive for CWHs, as it requires a further appointment.”
Michael said: “I found my short visit extremely useful. The skill of the Morgan Sindall operators in allocating the jobs to the correct trades was very impressive and key to achieving successful repairs in my view. Especially having in mind, to minimise the travelling distance of the tradesmen.
After sitting with the call operatives, Michael headed out to take a look at how repairs are delivered in people’s homes.
Michael said, “The operative I shadowed to a bathroom tiling job was impeccable both with skills, cleaning up and relationship with the resident.”
CityWest Homes’ four Resident Area Panels meet four times a year to discuss issues they feel are important to them and their community. Each panel works with CityWest Homes to create solutions to these issues and try and help improve the overall service.
Marc Whalley, Residents’ Council and Area Panel Coordinator said: “The purpose of our Area Panels is to allow residents to influence our services and shadowing opportunities are a brilliant way of doing this.
“As well as our own improvements to our repairs service we’ll be looking at ways to make adjustments alongside Morgan Sindall, following Michael’s and other residents’ feedback which has already proven to be very useful.”
Gary McFarlane, Partnerships Director at Morgan Sindall Properties Services said: “The feedback from Michael had been really useful for us to gain further insight from a customer’s point of view. We are always looking to find better, smarter more efficient ways of delivering our services and have appreciated the time Michael has taken to visit us and share his feedback.”