MSPS supporting Homeless residents in Westminster

Colleagues on our Westminster contract are working with Westminster City Council and a Homeless charity ‘Only A Pavement Away’ (OAPA) to deliver meals to displaced families and rough sleepers in a hotel in Westminster.
Representatives from the hospitality industry originally set up OAPA in a bid to help support, homeless, ex-offenders and vulnerable veterans into careers within the hospitality industry. With the hospitality industry closed due to Covid19, OAPA switched their support to providing meals for the homeless. When we were asked by Westminster City Council to support homeless residents with a lunchtime meal, OAPA stepped in to supply the meals.
Morgan Sindall’s Social Value team, together with colleagues on our Westminster contract collect the meals from the catering facility and deliver daily to the hotel’s residents. Greg Mangham, founder of OAPA agreed to produce 40 meals a day for the next two weeks!
Partnership Director for our Westminster Contract, Gary McFarlane is coordinating the delivery of the meals to the hotel. Gary said: ‘It is really rewarding in the current climate to be able to give back in the communities we work and see first-hand the impact this kind gesture has made to so many lives.”
The food is cooked and prepared at a catering restaurant in Richmond and then picked up by Morgan Sindall team leader Ron White for delivery as part of his daily tasks.
Head of CSR, Helen Sheen said, “This really is the time for business and organisations to come together to support their local community. Ron is doing a great job with the deliveries and by the end of the two-week period we would have supported the provision of 724 meals in Westminster.”
For more information on OAPA see:-