CityWest Homes appoints new maintenance contractors

CityWest Homes, Westminster City Council’s Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) has appointed new contractors to deliver repairs and maintenance across all of its properties.
The five new long term contracts have a total value of £219 million across the next 10 years, completing in 2027.
As from 30 June Morgan Sindall Property Services have been appointed to deliver domestic heating services to over 7000 properties. The domestic heating contract worth an estimated £27m will include gas servicing to properties with gas fired central heating as well as the maintenance of electric heating systems and the servicing and maintenance of smoke detectors. Morgan Sindall will also provide a 24/7/365 responsive repairs and breakdown service as well as the replacement of over 400 heating systems each year.
New contractors have also been appointed for electrical services, lifts and mechanical services.
From 31 August Morgan Sindall will also be taking over the management of the general repairs and voids contract. The 10 year, £140m contract will include delivering responsive repairs, cyclical decorations, and void refurbishment works.
Gary Lester, Managing Director, Morgan Sindall Property Services said: ‘This is a great example of using our talents; technology, sustainability and asset management to develop bespoke solutions for our clients. Solutions that are tailored to meet the service requirements of their residents and the needs of the wider community. I look forward to delivering on our commitments and creating a legacy within the community that will continue beyond the contract term.’
The new contracts replace the previous set of 11 long term maintenance contracts which expire in June and August 2017 respectively.
Appointments for each contract were confirmed following a competitive bidding process.
Jim Paterson, Property Services Director at CityWest Homes said: “Each of the new contractors were selected because they provided impressive proposals and in some cases not only met but exceeded the criteria set out in the tender.
“We are already enjoying working with our new partners and are looking forward to developing long term relationships with them in order to offer an improved service for our residents.”
The introduction of the new contracts will also offer CityWest Homes’ residents a quicker and more efficient service through improved communication about repairs through text alerts and more specific appointment slots.