MSPS win South East Local Enterprise Award

We are proud to announce that Morgan Sindall Property Services (MSPS) have won the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) award for Essex, Southend and Thurrock.
The awarding body SELEP celebrates the contributions employers make to inspire, prepare and support local people in to employment and to up skill their workforce.
MSPS were congratulated on the work they have done to date through Social Enterprise BasWorx a not for profit organization that sets out to create meaningful training and employment opportunities for Basildon residents.
Morgan Sindall’s Construction arm also received an award for their commitment to supporting Essex County Council with master classes, mock interviews and work placements reaching 300 students.
The award was presented to Amy Ross, Community Gateway Manager for BasWorx at the SELEP AGM and Skills showcase event at Harlow College.
Amy said: “It’s great to see the impact our work is having in the local area already, and I’m proud to see this being recognised. The achievement also demonstrates good cross business collaboration and we will continue to work with the wider business to raise awareness of the company’s social value contributions within the communities we work.”