Morgan Sindall Property Services Awarded Most Innovative Contractor

Morgan Sindall Property Services (MSPS) attended the Housing Digital Innovation Awards in Birmingham last week where we are proud to have won the award for Most Innovative Contractor.
The Housing Digital Innovation Awards celebrate the individuals and organisations who are striving to make UK housing a place of continued innovation and excellence.
We were recognised for goldeni, a software platform we launched in October, which uses machine learning to provide social housing landlords and tenants with real-time, actionable insights to help them ensure their properties are healthy, legally compliant and more energy efficient.
Judges’ Comment: “This was an impressive use of new sensor technologies and digital tools to improve delivery for the client and improve quality of life for the residents.”
Alan Hayward, Managing Director of Morgan Sindall Property Services said: “We are proud to be recognised for our innovative platform goldeni, which provides positive outcomes for our customers and communities, helping to improve their living environment. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do and our teams have worked hard to be the first in the industry to develop an in-house platform that uses machine learning to provide social housing landlords and tenants with clear, practical recommendations. We see this award as further validation of our leading position in the property services industry.”
By helping landlords and tenants identify potential maintenance issues before they occur and remediate leaks before they escalate, it is estimated goldeni could help social housing landlords save over £550m per year. This figure is likely to be even higher for providers who also follow goldeni’s recommendations about how to make properties more energy efficient.
You can find out more about goldeni here and view the full list of nominees and winners at the awards event here.