Celebrating Women in Engineering Day

International Women in Engineering Day, is hosted by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) and celebrated on Thursday 23rd June in order to highlight the brilliant women already in the industry, and encourage more women to join.
This Women in Engineering Day, we hear from our own Martine Yiangou, Gas Engineer, about her career with us so far, and the support she’s received from other women in the business, especially Rebecca Lock, Project Manager.
“At school, I studied a mix of subjects including Art, English, History, Science and IT, but Art was my favourite as I’m very artistic.
My career was very up and down until I joined MSPS. I have always been in the gas industry, but previously I was on the admin side. I knew Errol Hassan, Partnership Manager, from a previous company, so I contacted him to see if he had any opportunities to join as I wanted to get help with my portfolio. I worked hard, and with the support from Rebecca, I was offered a full time role!
Rebecca really supported me in my work, but also with some personal issues and that really helped me to succeed in my work life.
I really enjoy being out on the field, talking to the residents and helping them and I get great satisfaction out of completing jobs.
I think we need to be seeing more women in the industry and highlighting these women with days like Women in Engineering Day, to help other women not feel put off.”
Rebecca said, “I first met Martine when she joined the Team at MSPS. I’ve just been being there for general support, but it’s been brilliant to watch her grow in confidence in her on-site ability and her technical knowledge. She’s also grown in confidence with working with the other engineers, which is great to see!”