Building Regulation Changes Help on the Journey to Net Zero
Significant changes to building regulations came into effect on 15 June 2022. The changes are aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings to help the country move towards its targets for Net Zero by 2050.
Commenting on the changes, Alan Hayward, Managing Director for Morgan Sindall Property Services said: “The new rules are much welcomed, helping to lower the cost of energy bills for residents and to achieve the UK’s climate change ambitions.
The new regulations will provide more opportunities to use IoT technologies, like sensors to support residents with the ability to reduce their energy consumption. The sensors can also help social landlords to understand the internal living conditions of their residents and help detect potential hazardous environments such as rise in CO2 or poor ventilation, which could lead to long term maintenance issues.
Working together with our clients, we’ve already seen the impact of these technologies, alongside decarbonisation measures and retrofitting schemes, creating safer, sustainable homes within our communities.
Overall, the changes in legislation will require the industry to think differently, invest in new technologies and ultimately create a cleaner, greener environment for everyone.”
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