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Morgan Sindall Group have made five Total Commitments to our stakeholders: to protect and develop people, improve the environment, work with our supply chain and enhance communities.

Delivering on these commitments is a strategic priority and Morgan Sindall Group measure our performance using key performance indicators and challenging targets, so we can make sure we keep improving.

To find out more about these total commitments visit:

Protecting People

Protecting everyone involved in our business activities

Keeping people safe and reducing the number of incidents on sites, in offices, on journeys to and from work, and in the wider environment is of paramount importance. We also have a wider responsibility to ensure the health and safety of subcontractors, suppliers and the general public who have any contact with our projects.

Developing People

Training, developing and retaining a talented workforce

It is vital that we employ the right people with the right skills and offer a variety of training and career development opportunities. Ensuring that our employees have the correct skills and abilities to meet future market demands and emerging technologies is an essential investment in the Group’s future.

Improving the Environment

Minimising impact, conserving resources

By its very nature, construction has an impact on the environment through the use of raw materials, the construction process and then the lifespan of the building. Reducing the environmental impact of our operations has commercial as well as environmental benefits.

Working Together with our Supply Chain

Improving performance, through collaboration and education

Over 80% of our total spend is through our supply chain, meaning that how we procure and what we procure can have a significant impact on our sustainability performance. We will continue to engage and educate our suppliers on responsible business practices, while ensuring the quality, cost competitiveness and responsible sourcing of goods and services.

Enhancing Communities

Investing in communities, for the long-term

We strive to deliver long-term improvements and minimise construction impacts on all our projects. We will increase the local economic value of our work, ensuring that the communities in which we work benefit both economically and socially. We will continue our exemplar record as a considerate contractor, working with communities to minimise disruption and risks.

Anti-Bribery Certification

Morgan Sindall is committed to conducting business with the highest levels of integrity, honesty and responsibility, demonstrated by our approach to sustainability, our activity in the communities where we work, and our business practices both internally and externally. Through delivering in these areas we aim to achieve our company vision to be the best and most sustainable business in the industry.

Morgan Sindall has attained ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System certification from the British Standards Institution. This indicates that we take necessary steps to ensure that we conduct our business in a spirit of integrity and that no act of bribery by any person either employed by, or acting as an agent of, Morgan Sindall, will be tolerated.

To reflect this, the Executive Team of Morgan Sindall has:
1. Adopted an anti-bribery policy.

2. Implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) to give effect to this policy.

3. Sought and received management support across the business for both the policy and the ABMS.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Morgan Sindall Group plc is committed to preventing all forms of modern slavery throughout its operations and its supply chain.

The Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024 applies to all of its divisions, subsidiaries, associate companies and its interests in joint venture consortia and companies and all Group employees, and works in conjunction with related Group and divisional HR Policies and Practices.

We are working with our suppliers, subcontractors and business partners in developing similar policies and practices, and have collaborated with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to offer advice and support where required.

You can access more information on the governance page of the Morgan Sindall Group website.


Morgan Sindall Group is passionate about ensuring integrity at every level in all our business dealings. We believe integrity is about doing the right thing for our customers, our people and our suppliers, which ultimately means doing the right thing for our business.

Critical to delivering on our commitment to integrity, is finding out if our standards are not met. We have a confidential helpline run by a company called Safecall. This is an independent, confidential service that any employee can ring to help focus attention on compliance with company policy and ethical requirements.

Gender Pay Gap Information

Morgan Sindall Group’s Gender Pay Gap Report 2024 outlines information for the Group as a whole, plus the four subsidiaries that meet the reporting requirements (Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd, Overbury plc, Morgan Sindall Property Services Limited, and Lovell Partnerships Limited).

You can read the full Morgan Sindall Group report at the governance page on the Morgan Sindall Group plc website.

Defence Employer Recognition Scheme

We have received the silver award accreditation from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) for the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS). The ERS recognises commitment and support from UK employers for defence personnel.

The scheme comprises of bronze, silver and gold awards it’s for employers who support those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, their families and communities, and align their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.

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Care Leavers Covenant Employers

The Covenant provides practical support for those leaving care, so they can progress successfully to the next phase of their lives. Morgan Sindall property Services provide care leavers with several different initiatives such as a dedicated advisor, support with employability alongside training and access to apprenticeships and job roles. Signing the Covenant highlights the commitment of MSPS and its employees, to providing dedicated support for care leavers.

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Armed Forces Covenant

MSPS received the Silver award accreditation from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) for the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS). The ERS recognises commitment and support from UK employers for defence personnel.

The scheme offers Bronze, Silver or Gold award accreditation to employers who demonstrate support for those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, their families and communities, while aligning their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.

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Morgan Sindall Property Services created a record £14.3 million of wellbeing during 2023-24 as a result of our social value activity. This means for every £1 invested, we generated £24 worth of wellbeing.

We use HACT, an industry recognised social value calculation to quantify our social value activity. Our figures are externally verified annually so we can be sure they are robust and transparent. The results represent tangible, quantifiable help and support for communities across of all our contracts during one of the most economically challenging years in recent times.


National Equality Register

As part of the National Equality Register, Morgan Sindall Group have pledged to:

  • Comply with statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010
  • Commit to non-discrimination and advancement of equal opportunities
  • Confirm that we foster good relations in the operation of its business

Inclusive Employers Standard

Morgan Sindall Property Services are committed to creating an inclusive workplace which is representative of our communities, where all colleagues feel valued and can contribute their skills and ideas fully.


Living Wage Accreditation

Morgan Sindall Property Services have committed to paying all directly employed members of staff, not tied to client contracts, the real Living Wage.

We have also committed to always offer a real Living Wage bid alongside every market rate submittal to all prospective and current clients.

Living Wage Employer

Disability Confident Employer

Morgan Sindall Property Services are committed to making the most of the talents disabled people can bring to our workplace. We are committed to challenging attitudes towards disability; increasing understanding of disability; removing barriers to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions and ensuring that disabled people can fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations.

Disability Confident Employer Scheme logo

National Home Decarbonisation Group

We are a member of the National Home Decarbonisation Group (NHDG), an alliance of businesses who are committed to making homes in the UK more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

The NHDG believes that collaboration and ongoing government support to the decarbonisation of UK homes is crucial for reaching the goal of making homes in the UK carbon-neutral.

The NHDG aims to create a collaborative platform for its members to focus on three main areas; improving the supply chain for retrofitting homes, providing input on policy and encouraging innovation.


Constructionline Gold

Constructionline is a register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants. The database is accessed by over 2000 organizations including central government, local authorities & main contractors all whom require you to be accredited before beginning the tender process.

Assessed on additional areas such as environmental management, quality management, equalities and diversity. It ensures contractors abide legislation in areas such as modern slavery, anti-bribery and corruption and shows you have been assessed and adhere to these standards to potential buyers.


OFTEC Registered

Employing an OFTEC registered technician is the best guarantee that work on your heating system will be performed to a high level of competence and comply with relevant Building Regulations and manufacturers’ installation requirements.


HETAC Registered

Registering trained, competent installers, service engineers who meet the appropriate standards.


NICEIC Certified

NICEIC-certified businesses ensure that the installation work they undertake meets the standards expected to keep residents safe.


Gas Safety Registered

Gas Safe Register is the only official gas registration body of gas businesses and engineers in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey. By law all gas businesses must be on the Gas Safe Register.


Member of Housing Diversity Network

Morgan Sindall Property Services is a member of the Housing Diversity Network, the leading specialist body in the sector, supporting us to improve how we address inequality, get the most from our people, and meet the needs of our communities.

Housing Diversity Network

Women in Trade Network

MSPS is part of the Women’s Trade Network, an initiative founded by some of the most well-known organisations in housing and property to increase the representation of women in trade roles. MSPS will work in partnership with the network to raise awareness of the variety of roles available to women in trade and provide training opportunities to encourage greater gender diversity across the industry. We have also committed to supporting long-term change in the industry by helping to remove barriers, empower and support as well as increase access to the industry for women.


Mental Health at Work Commitment

The Mental Health at Work Commitment is a set of actions, organised into six standards, that organisations can follow to improve and support the mental health of their people.

By signing up to the Commitment, MSPS are declaring publicly that mental health at work is a priority for us and we are joining the growing movement of likeminded employers, businesses and organisations across the UK.

Mental health at work commitment logo

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed and industry-supported scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber attacks and provides a clear statement of the basic controls organisations should have in place to protect themselves.

It is the UK Government’s answer to a safer internet space for organisations of all sizes, across all sectors. Developed and operated by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Cyber Essentials is considered the best first step to a more secure network, protecting you from 80% of the most basic cyber security breaches.

Gaining Cyber Essentials certification also enables organisations to showcase their credentials as trustworthy and secure when it comes to cyber security.


The Good Employer Charter

The Good Employer Charter sets out to maintain and support a network of Good Employers across Basildon borough, those who do business responsibly, enabling both employers and employees to benefit as the economy grows.

The Charter is a benchmark for organisations to show they provide employment opportunities within the borough, pay the Real Living Wage and offer opportunities for employee progression.

Good Employer Logo Gold

CHAS Advanced

CHAS Advanced membership demonstrates we are  certified against PAS 91 standards (along with SSIP).  It also demonstrates we have completed a single set of prequalification modules to demonstrate our compliance across 10 areas of risk management.

BM Trada

  • Q-Mark Fire Door Installation to STD 052
  • Q-Mark Fire Door Maintenance to STD 058
  • Q-Mark Passive Fire Stopping Installation to STD 05b

BSI Standards

  • ISO 9001 – Quality management System
  • ISO 14001- Environmental Management System
  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety

Waste Carrier License

  • Certificate of Registration under the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011